SQL has a long and proven history. It has survived the fuss around NoSQL. Even if it is not perfect, it has been demonstrated to be the best available language for data. This is no surprise! The story began in the 1960s with the development of databases—an era marked by the introduction of the Integrated Data Store (IDS) at General Electric. However, it was Edgar Codd’s relational model that revolutionized data handling. His model, which turned data into a series of tables (or, more strictly, relations), has influenced database systems ever since. This era also saw the birth of SQL (Structured Query Language), which became the standard language for interacting with relational databases, including MariaDB and others.

The Utility of Relational Database Systems

So, why do we need all this database stuff? Let’s imagine you’re building an app, maybe a simple to-do list to keep track of your daily tasks. Initially, you might think, “Why not just save each task directly to a file?” After all, my programming language has constructs and libraries to save and read data from disk. Also, implementing this seems straightforward: create a task, write it to a file, delete a task, and remove it from the file. These are good points; however, as your app gains traction, users start to aggregate, and suddenly, you have thousands of users trying to add, delete, and modify tasks simultaneously. At this point, the simplicity of files becomes fragile. Imagine one user is updating a task at the exact moment another tries to delete it. Or maybe two users are editing the same task at the same time. With a simple file system, you’re likely to end up with corrupted or lost data because there’s no inherent mechanism to handle such conflicts.

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