Microservices architectures have gained popularity due to their scalability, agility, and flexibility. However, with these architectures’ increased distribution and complexity, ensuring robust security measures becomes paramount. The security of microservices extends beyond traditional approaches, requiring a comprehensive strategy to protect against evolving threats and vulnerabilities. Organizations can fortify their microservices architecture and safeguard sensitive data and resources by understanding the core principles and adopting effective security measures.

Introduction to Microservices

Microservices refers to a software development architecture style in which applications are created as a collection of small, independent services that connect via well-defined APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Each microservice is responsible for a distinct business capability and may be created, implemented, and expanded independently of other services (Sascha Möllering, 2021). Microservices allow applications to be divided into smaller, manageable components, which can be independently scaled based on demand. This scalability enables organizations to respond quickly to changes and handle high-traffic loads more effectively. 

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