Coined quite recently, the term Micro Frontend designates for a GUI (Graphical User Interface) what the one Microservice designates for classical services, i.e., the decomposition process of the different application’s parts and components. More importantly, it not only applies to GUIs in general but to a more specific category of GUIs named SPA (Single Page Application). This is important because if there existed several techniques aiming at separating the different parts and components of a web application in general when it comes to SPAs, the story would become a bit more difficult. As a matter of fact, separating the different parts and components of a general web application often means separating its different pages. This process becomes more tricky for SPAs, as it concerns the separation of the different visual fragments of the application’s single page. This requires a finer granularity and a more intimate orchestration of the content elements.

The Micro Frontend concept adds more complexity to the web applications development field, which is already fairly complex by itself. The SPA model, as well as the emergence of the so-called JavaScript or TypeScript-based web application platforms and frameworks, brought to the picture a high degree of intricacy, requiring developers to have a vast amount of background knowledge, from HTML and CSS to advanced aspects of Angular, React, Node, Vue, and jQuery. In the Java world, a new category of software developers has come to light: the fullstack developers who not only need to deal with the grief of mastering Java, be it standard or enterprise, and all its underlying sub-technologies like Servlet, REST, CDI, JPA, JMS and many others, currently placed under the auspices of Jakarta EE, but who, increasingly, is required to master things like WebPack, SystemJS, Bower, Gulp and others Yeoman. Not to mention any more Spring, Quarkus, Micronaut, or Helidon.

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