Snowflake Integration Patterns: Apache Kafka vs. Zero ETL and Reverse ETL

Snowflake is a leading cloud-native data warehouse. Integration patterns include batch data integration, Zero ETL, and near real-time data ingestion with Apache Kafka. This blog post explores the different approaches and discovers their trade-offs. Following industry recommendations, it is suggested to avoid anti-patterns like Reverse ETL and instead use data streaming to enhance the flexibility, […]

Effortless API Mocking With Playwright

Automated testing of web applications often requires interaction with external APIs. However, relying on actual API responses can introduce variables beyond your control, such as network issues or server downtime. This is where API mocking comes in. Mocking allows you to simulate API responses, making your tests more reliable and faster. In this article, we’ll […]

Advanced URL Rewriting With Apache APISIX

I spoke at Swiss PgDay in Switzerland in late June. The talk was about how to create a no-code API with the famous PostgreSQL database, the related PostgREST, and Apache APISIX, of course. I already wrote about the idea in a previous post. However, I wanted to improve it, if only slightly. PostgREST offers a […]

Building a Modern Data Architecture: From Legacy Systems to Cloud Integration

The transition from legacy data systems to modern, cloud-based architectures is a complex but essential process for businesses seeking to enhance their data management capabilities, scalability, and overall efficiency. This article will discuss the steps and considerations necessary for successfully transitioning from legacy systems to cloud-based solutions. The rapid evolution of technology has rendered cloud […]

Building a Modern Data Architecture: From Legacy Systems to Cloud Integration

The transition from legacy data systems to modern, cloud-based architectures is a complex but essential process for businesses seeking to enhance their data management capabilities, scalability, and overall efficiency. This article will discuss the steps and considerations necessary for successfully transitioning from legacy systems to cloud-based solutions. The rapid evolution of technology has rendered cloud […]

Cross-Platform Integration: Enabling Seamless Workflow Between AI, Microservices, and Azure Cloud

Importance of Cross-Platform Integration in Modern IT Architectures As digital transformation continues to accelerate, the demand for integrating various technological platforms is also increasing at a rapid pace. In today’s digital world organizations execute their operations in complex environments where multiple technologies need to work together seamlessly. The complexity of the environments can be dependent […]

Cross-Platform Integration: Enabling Seamless Workflow Between AI, Microservices, and Azure Cloud

Importance of Cross-Platform Integration in Modern IT Architectures As digital transformation continues to accelerate, the demand for integrating various technological platforms is also increasing at a rapid pace. In today’s digital world organizations execute their operations in complex environments where multiple technologies need to work together seamlessly. The complexity of the environments can be dependent […]

Cross-Platform Integration: Enabling Seamless Workflow Between AI, Microservices, and Azure Cloud

Importance of Cross-Platform Integration in Modern IT Architectures As digital transformation continues to accelerate, the demand for integrating various technological platforms is also increasing at a rapid pace. In today’s digital world organizations execute their operations in complex environments where multiple technologies need to work together seamlessly. The complexity of the environments can be dependent […]