In this stage of development of our real-time data pipeline, we are starting to build up all of the feeds we need to be able to make smart decisions quickly and provide all the necessary data to AI and ML models to things like answer LLM/NLP chat questions on how should I go somewhere if I am leaving tomorrow, now, or soon. This will incorporate weather, air quality, roads, buses, light rail, rail, planes, social media, travel advisories, and more. As part of this, we will provide real-time notifications to users via Slack, Discord, Email, Web socket front-ends, and other dashboards. I am open to working with collaborators in open source or suggestions for end-user applications and other data processors like my friends at RisingWave, Timeplus, StarTree Pinot, LLM/Vector Database collaborators like Zilliz Milvus, IBM, and others.
openskyairport — nifi — kafka — flink SQL
Photo by Jue Huang on Unsplash
REST API To Obtain Airport Information${airport}