Infrastructure as Code (IaC) became the de facto standard for managing infrastructure resources for many organizations. According to Markets and Markets, a B2B research firm, the IaC market share is poised to reach USD 2.3 Billion by 2027. 

What Is Infrastructure as Code?

Before IaC, a developer would use the cloud provider GUI, clicking through different configurations and settings to provision a resource like a Virtual Machine. When you need to provision a single instance, this is easy, but modern workloads are more than one single machine, 1000s of VMs, and hundreds of storages — not to forget this is for one region. To achieve high availability, the same stamp needs to be created in multiple regions and availability zones. One way organizations automated this process is, through scripts, though it had challenges like versioning and, most importantly, the redundancy of each team repeatedly creating scripts from scratch. 

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