We have seen multiple examples and use cases of building a low code API using Kumologica and running it on AWS lambda and on Azure function. In this article, we will be taking through the build and deployment of a simple hello world service Docker container inside AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) Fargate.

Photo by Chris Linnett


Based on the design defined in the diagram (Figure 1), we will be building Kumologica applications as a Docker container. Once the Docker image is ready, we will push it into the AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR). ECR holds all the Docker images. The Elastic Container Service is an AWS container management platform. The workload availability, scaling, and network are managed by ECS. In order to deploy a workload to ECS, an ECS task definition needs to be created, which will define the Docker image that needs to be used, the name of the service, and the type of launch. In this case, we will be choosing the launch type as Fargate. 

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