Previous Articles on Snowflake

Tour of Snowflake ingestion using CockroachDB and Redpanda Connect
Integrating Snowflake with Trino

Previous Articles on CockroachDB CDC

Emitting Protocol Buffers with CockroachDB CDC Queries
Using CockroachDB CDC with Apache Pulsar
Using CockroachDB CDC with Azure Event Hubs
SaaS Galore: Integrating CockroachDB with Confluent Kafka, FiveTran, and Snowflake
Using CockroachDB CDC with Confluent Cloud Kafka and Schema Registry
CockroachDB CDC using Minio as cloud storage sink
CockroachDB CDC using Hadoop Ozone S3 Gateway as cloud storage sink


This article builds upon the previous discussion in “Tour of Snowflake ingestion using CockroachDB and Redpanda Connect,” where we investigated the process of streaming changefeeds from CockroachDB to Snowflake using Redpanda Connect and Snowpipe in batch mode. Here, we will shift our focus to Kafka Connect and demonstrate how both batch and streaming modes can be utilized for data ingestion into Snowflake.


Deploy a CockroachDB cluster with enterprise changefeeds
Deploy Snowflake
Deploy Kafka Connect

Detailed Instructions

Deploy a CockroachDB Cluster With Enterprise Changefeeds

Start by either launching a CockroachDB instance or utilizing a managed service.

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